40 under 40 honoree …

If I can immigrate from A whole different continent A whole different work culture A whole different field


Zinet Kemal

1/14/20242 min read

40 under 40 honoree …

If I can immigrate from

A whole different continent
A whole different work culture
A whole different field
To restart a life, going back to school in a different field
Rebuilding a career in a whole different industry.
While raising 4 young children
and accomplishing my goals/dreams as it unfolds
(Including how to drive for the first time at the age of 27)

Fast forward to 2023 ...

And yet to be named 40 under 40 honoree years later at 36


Just a throwback to when I was named as one of the 40 people from a whole state as 40 under 40 honoree by the Minneapolis/St. Paul Buisness Journal.

From the state of Minnesota where I immigrated to Ethiopia 10 years ago.
A state where I
Went back to school to earn 3 degrees in 9 years (from community college to grad school)
where I had 3 of my 4 kiddos
Own our first home
Rebuilt a career in cybersecurity
Published 3 award-winning children’s books
Co-authored 1 anthology book with 15 black women in cyber - released yesterday
Delivered my first TEDx talk at TEDx Minneapolis
Earned a ton of industry certs & built my skills
Created my first LinkedIn Learning course
Began my career starting as an IT intern at a MN local government, then State government & now a cloud security engineer at a MN based Fortune 500 org, etc

I am still learning & growing …


+ Aren’t 30 under 30
+ There is time for 40 under 40, if not
+ There is still time for 50 under 50, if not,
+ The best version of you at 65, 75 & beyond etc

There is always a chance for change to learn, grow & elevate …NOT only at the beginning of a year but EVERY day of the year as long as you are breathing.

Don’t ever say you are late, and don’t ever compare with others.

Because everyone’s beginning is so different.

Always ask how am I a better version of MYSELF from yesterday.

Ok that’s all … it’s only Tuesday morning!

Thank you for reading!

Check out my children's books on cybersecurity careers and online safety. As well as my first TEDx talk on Hack-Proofing Childhood: Ensuring our children's online safety.

Learn more about me & my career and connect with me on Linkedin.